You come to us with your problems

We have the solutions.
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Digital Strategy

Digital strategy requires expertise in several subjects: marketing, design thinking, and computer applications. Our consultancy’s digital strategy takes a holistic approach by customizing each and every one of our engagements to suit our client’s needs.

Market Research

Market research is the information that companies gather about their customers and competition to make important decisions about operating their business. We have partnered with leading market research technology firm Qualtrics to support your research needs.

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Marketing Strategy

Marketing’s role in business strategy is to manage budget allocations, investment decisions, value propositions, voice of the customer, marketing assets and tactics. We use a variety of strategies and methods to achieve the above aims. Our goal is to strike a balance between strategy and operational effectiveness.

Digital Marketing

We help create holistic digital marketing plans that engage your audience using different touch points. Email marketing, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, SEO, organic and paid reach are all part of our portfolio of services. Salesforce CRM services are also available separately.

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Brand Management

Your brand’s success is independent of any one advertising campaign. Your customer defines your brand and who you are. We help define your brand identity and brand image by developing your brand's story; Your purpose, positioning, personality, customer voice, logos, style and graphic elements.

Digital Health

New enterprises in digital health require a special kind of assistance that most consultancies do not know how to tackle. Atreya Digital Health’s mission is to provide subject matter expertise in this area. We have digital health partnerships so our clients can be better served by SMEs and packaged solutions.

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UI/UX Services

In today’s age, your website is the first interaction that customers have with your business.